Deploying a Query Cluster on Kubernetes
This topic explains how to install and configure the Databend query cluster on Kubernetes with MinIO as the storage backend.
Before You Begin
- Make sure your cluster has enough resource for installation (at least 4 CPUs, 4GB RAM, 50GB disk).
- Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster up and running. For more information, see k3d or minikube.
- Please note that Databend Cluster mode only works on a shared storage (AWS S3 or MinIO s3-like storage).
Deploy a Sample Databend Cluster with MinIO
Step 1. Install MinIO
This configuration is for demonstration ONLY. Never use it for production. Refer to for more information on TLS and High Availability configurations for production.
We will bootstrap a MinIO server on Kubernetes with the following configurations:
The following configuration applies to the target Kubernetes cluster. It will create a bucket named sample-storage
with 10Gi
storage space:
kubectl create namespace minio --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f -n minio
Step 2. Deploy a Standalone Databend Meta-Service Layer
The following configuration creates a standalone Databend meta-service on databend-system
kubectl create namespace databend-system --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f -n databend-system
Step 3. Deploy a Databend Query Cluster
The following configuration creates a Databend query cluster on tenant1
namespace. Each pod under the deployment has a 900m
vCPU with 900Mi
kubectl create namespace tenant1 --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f -n tenant1
To scale up or down the query cluster, please use the following command:
# scale query cluster number to 0
kubectl scale -n tenant1 deployment query --replicas=0
# scale query cluster number to 3
kubectl scale -n tenant1 deployment query --replicas=3
Check the Cluster Information
Make sure that the localhost port 3308 is available.
nohup kubectl port-forward -n tenant1 svc/query-service 3308:3307 &
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -P3308
SELECT * FROM system.clusters
| name | host | port |
| dIUkzbOaqJEPudb0A7j4 | | 9191 |
| NzfBm4KIQGEHe0sxAWa3 | | 9191 |
| w3MuQR8aTHKHC1OLj5a6 | | 9191 |
Step 4. Distributed Query
EXPLAIN SELECT max(number), sum(number) FROM numbers_mt(10000000000) GROUP BY number % 3, number % 4, number % 5 LIMIT 10;
| explain |
| Limit: 10 |
| RedistributeStage[expr: 0] |
| Projection: max(number):UInt64, sum(number):UInt64 |
| AggregatorFinal: groupBy=[[(number % 3), (number % 4), (number % 5)]], aggr=[[max(number), sum(number)]] |
| RedistributeStage[expr: sipHash(_group_by_key)] |
| AggregatorPartial: groupBy=[[(number % 3), (number % 4), (number % 5)]], aggr=[[max(number), sum(number)]] |
| Expression: (number % 3):UInt8, (number % 4):UInt8, (number % 5):UInt8, number:UInt64 (Before GroupBy) |
| ReadDataSource: scan schema: [number:UInt64], statistics: [read_rows: 10000000000, read_bytes: 80000000000, partitions_scanned: 1000001, partitions_total: 1000001], push_downs: [projections: [0]] |
The distributed query works now, and the cluster will efficiently transfer data through flight_api_address
Upload Data to the Cluster
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT number, number + 300 from numbers(10000000);
SELECT count(*) FROM t1;
| count() |
| 10000000 |
Install Databend Cluster with Helm Chart
We support installing Databend cluster with our official Helm Charts.
Install Meta Service
Install a standalone Databend meta service. Please follow the documentation for further configuration options (for example, high availability).
helm repo add databend
helm install my-release databend/databend-meta --namespace databend --create-namespace
Install Query Service
The following command registers the Databend query service to the meta service with 3 nodes:
helm repo add databend
helm install query databend/databend-query --namespace databend --create-namespace \
--set config.meta.address=my-release-databend-meta.databend.svc.cluster.local:9191 \
--set replicaCount=3
Please follow the documentation for further configuration options (for example, object storage secrets).